TMB Consultants
Training and Organizational Development Specialists
TMB Consultants specializes in serving the human resource needs of small and medium size companies and municipalities through comprehensive, cost effective programs that are tailored to your specific needs. We provide research, direction, and solutions to help your organization achieve its goals and retain valued employees.

Our extensive experience in creating strategies for mission statements, goals and objectives, and strategic planning allows us to develop an organizational design for your company that integrates critical goals, priorities, and values with employee satisfaction. Our expertise in employee training facilitates programs that improve customer service and program performance by creation of challenging work environments. Our integrated programs simultaneously motivate management and employees - employees to continuously improve their performance levels and management to recognize and reward employee performance and improvement.

Our clients needs are our first priority.  Please contact us with your specific needs and we will work with you to design a customized program to fit your organizational and budgetary needs. 
Assault Prevention
Wage & Salary Assessments
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Custom Designed HR Solutions